What is a Member at Large
If you read our article “HOA Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities,” you already know about the typical roles. These roles are crucial to your HOA’s Board of Directors. However, the role and duties of “Members at Large” might not be as self-explanatory. In this article, we will answer the question: What is a Member at Large? How are they selected, and by whom? What are some of their duties? And, is there a difference between Member at Large and Director at Large?

Director at large meaning:
Members at Large are HOA homeowners who serve on the Board, with voting rights similar to those of other directors. They do not hold officer roles on the Board and aren’t assigned the same duties. The number of Members at Large in an HOA will vary from association to association. Each association’s governing documents dictate the required number of Board representatives. Some may have one or two Members at Large, while others might not have this position at all.
How do Homeowners become Members at Large?
- The Board elects them through elections. Members elect directors, who then decide which will serve as officers, usually including a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Those who do not become officers among the elected become Members at Large. To learn more about the specific roles of Board officers and their responsibilities, check out our article on the Roles of HOA Board Members. Elected terms can vary from HOA to HOA. Always check your governing documents.
- The Board directly appoints them. It is common for the Board to invite a homeowner to join as a Member at Large, not an officer. This person serves the association under guidelines provided by the Board and according to the bylaws. This often happens when a homeowner’s expertise benefits the Board or the entire association. For instance, an architect homeowner might be appointed to support the Board during a community remodeling project.
The Board demotes them from their officer roles. The Board can remove the President or any officer from their role through a vote from other directors. However, this doesn’t remove them entirely from the Board. They would instead become Members at Large. Since the entire membership elected them, only a majority vote from the membership can fully remove them.
What are the duties of a Member at Large?
The primary role of a Member at Large is to support the Board and act as a liaison with homeowners. The association’s current needs likely determine their varying duties and responsibilities. They are expected to attend all Board meetings to stay informed and understand the community’s goals and plans. They are encouraged to participate and share knowledge to inform and educate other Board representatives. Additional duties, like special projects, overseeing committees, or mentoring membership, will be assigned as needed by the Board.
What does “at large” mean? “At Large” means the position has no specific assignment, and duties can vary.
Is there a difference between Member at Large and Director at Large?
“Member” and “Director” are interchangeable terms. Therefore, there is no difference between a Member at large and a Director at large.