
HOA Management Technology

As Board members, you understand the important role that technology plays in effectively managing your Association. Ensuring that Board members and homeowners have access

As Board members, you understand the important role that technology plays in effectively managing your Association. Ensuring that Board members and homeowners have access to the best technology available should be a top priority of your HOA management company. Technology services offered should provide helpful tools, adapt to the individual needs of a community, and encompass these functional traits: Secure, Productive, Automated, Efficient, and Transparent.

As a member of your Community Association and an elected HOA representative, you have a pulse on what the community wants and needs, especially concerning technological advances and service offerings. Websites, cloud-based portals, and mobile applications are a few examples of innovative tools AAM provides to their communities; what technology is currently available to you?

WEBSITES influence how homeowners perceive a community

Let’s face it. We live in a world where people use Google before making any purchases, including where they choose to live. Due to this growing trend, the first impression of your community must be a glowing and memorable one. If your community’s HOA website doesn’t reflect the experience a prospective homeowner expects from the community, they may dismiss it entirely. AAM recognizes the importance of appearance and how it ties to the perceived value of a community. That is why we heavily invest in the technology we provide to our community associations, and our number one suggestion to our HOAs is to utilize a Premium Website.

What is an AAM Premium Website? Premium websites provide a secure resident portal where homeowners can view community documents, post classifieds, view their account and violation information, pay their bills, and communicate with other homeowners. In addition, HOA Boards and Community Managers can quickly contact residents through email and text blasts to keep the community informed and engaged.

Top 3 Benefits of a Premium Website

1. TOTALLY RESPONSIVE: Easily viewed on mobile devices.

2. FREE EMAIL BLASTS: Effective communication to members.

3. CUSTOMIZABLE: A unique reflection of your community.

Having a professional, polished HOA website that is easy to navigate, includes stunning images of the community, and provides quality information shows the HOA’s commitment to the overall homeowner experience. Does your Association pass the Google test?

MOBILE APPS change how homeowners interact with their HOA

Mobile application platforms make finding information, taking action, and communicating easy and convenient, and it is why apps are becoming a vital resource for businesses. An HOA mobile app serves as a direct channel between an HOA and the homeowners; this allows for faster communication and increased engagement. For example, an app that provides in-app notifications can influence proactive action to be taken by the user and eliminate frustration with time-sensitive events.

Our HOA mobile app AAM All Access was created with one goal in mind, adding value to the HOA living experience. Members of an association want their HOA to have as little interference in their everyday lives as possible. The interactions with the HOA are expected to be quick, easy and ultimately yield the desired result. And we believe that AAM All Access delivers the ultimate package in customer satisfaction.

Top Benefits of Using an App

1. Accessibility: Information readily available.

2. One touch access to contact information: Minimizing the time homeowners have to spend tracking down the correct person.

3. Time-saving solutions: Access to find answers, submit forms, and contact appropriate departments quickly.

4. In-App Notifications: Posted payments, arch request status, compliance issues, and community announcements.

CLOUD-BASE WEB PORTALS have changed how HOAs are managed.

Solution based technology is one of the most important aspects a community management company should provide to their clients. The ability to listen to the needs of homeowners associations and adapt the process to those needs is what has set AAM apart from other companies for decades.

AAM’s cloud-based client HOA portal, BoardVue™, was created by our internal development team as a solution to what was once a common question of Board Members: how does AAM track work orders? And although we had an intricate internal process in place, we built what we had into a client-facing version to allow for complete transparency and easy tracking.

What BoardVue™ Delivers

1. 100% Transparency: Board members know everything that is happening inside their community.

2. Frictionless Management: Providing timely and accurate information, in addition to clear communication.

3. Instant Reporting: Thirteen of the most commonly used Board reports are now available 24-7.

If your community association isn’t currently experiencing the benefits of a web portal or innovative mobile app or taking advantage of a modern website, we would love the opportunity to bring your community up-to-date in this ever-changing digital age. Contact AAM today to discuss your technology goals.