Building HOA Committees
HOA Committees can be a valuable resource to the Homeowners and Board members they serve. They help complete specific tasks that might otherwise be overwhelming for a typical Board to take on as an additional responsibility. This article will explore the roles and responsibilities of Committees, the types of Committees an HOA can benefit from, and how to solicit volunteers to serve on Committees.
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Roles and Responsibilities of Committees
Homeowner volunteers in the community make up the HOA Committees, and the Board of Directors appoints them.
Your HOA’s governing documents might include guidelines for forming a Committee. However, some documents may only address one type of Committee and have parameters for creating new ones.
Each Committee should maintain a charter outlining its members’ roles and responsibilities. Below are a few tips for creating charters for new Committees:
- Create an outline that provides structure and direction. The outline can be used when the Board passes a resolution to create the Committee.
- Have a statement of purpose – What is expected of the Committee? Clarify if they have the authority to make decisions or are gathering information and providing recommendations.
- Identify how many members should make up the Committee and how they will report to the Board.
- Will there be a Budget for the Committee? If so, clearly identify what the budget will be.
- How long will the service term be for volunteers?
- Identify a Committee name. (i.e., Social Committee, Decorating Committee, Safety Committee, etc.)
- List the Committee members’ names and identify their positions. The Chair and Co-Chair will take responsibility for the Committee’s actions and report to the Board. The Secretary will keep records and documentation of the Committee’s meetings, tasks, and progress. If there is a budget, the Treasurer will ensure the Committee stays within the budget limits.
- Encourage Committee members to exchange information and meet regularly to discuss the goals of the Committee.
Types of Committees
- Executive Committee: Made up of the Community’s Board of Directors.
- Non-Executive Committee: This committee is made up of homeowner volunteers. Depending on the governing documents or state statutes, certain Committees may exclude Board Members from positions. In other cases, the bylaws may require a Committee to have at least one Board member.
- Standing Committee (Continuous tasks): Architectural, Finance, Events, Social, Landscaping, Welcome, Block Watch, Communication.
- Special Committee (Specific project tasks): An advisory committee may be tasked with researching vendors to identify possible candidates to submit RFPs to. For example, the Playground Committee can be tasked with purchasing new playground equipment.
Over the years, Boards have created various Committees—such as Community Service, Block Watch, Beautification, and Communications—to serve specific community needs.
Most Common Committees
Below are the top five most common Committees within an HOA and some duties they could be charged with through the charter.
- Architectural Review: The Architectural Review Committee can review and approve exterior changes and ensure that all changes comply with the Design Guidelines and the CC&Rs.
- Financial Advisory: The Financial Advisory Committee could review and monitor the HOA’s finances to ensure the financial position remains strong and operates responsibly. Additionally, they may also be tasked with obtaining and reviewing a reserve study prepared by a third-party vendor contracted by the association.
- Welcome Committee: This group warmly welcomes new homeowners to the neighborhood. Members may also provide information about meetings, events, or neighborhood practices to keep new homeowners informed.
- Social Committee: The purpose of the Social Committee is to assist the Board in creating social and recreational events geared toward the community’s interests and needs.
- Landscape Committee: The primary role of the Landscape Committee is to keep the board abreast of the community’s needs. This may include conducting inspections on the grounds of the community to look for ways to enhance common areas and identify potential landscape improvements and possible maintenance concerns to make recommendations to the Board.
Can a Committee meet without notice of a meeting?
A review of that state statute, governing documents, or Committee charter will assist in determining if notice of the Committee meeting must be provided to all members of the Association.
Soliciting Volunteers for the Committee
Now that the Board has identified the need to establish a new Committee, you must find reliable and helpful volunteers. Here are a few tips that will help you attract the right volunteers and make the Committee successful.
Consistent and clear communication is Critical.
There are many ways to communicate the need for Committee volunteers. Please use multiple communication channels to ensure the community receives this message. E-blasts, newsletter announcements, Board Meeting announcements, flyers, and good old-fashioned word of mouth are all great ways to share your message with the community.
Talk to active members
As a Board member, you probably notice which HOA members regularly attend Board meetings. Building relationships with attending members of your HOA meetings is good practice. Speaking with homeowners one-on-one will make them feel more connected and possibly encourage participation.
Consider creating an application
If your HOA is fortunate to have multiple people willing to volunteer for a Committee position, the Board can create an application. That way, the selection process is fair and open.
The form can ask for name, address, email, information, and whether the candidate served on any other Committees. Additionally, you can include a candidate information section allowing homeowners to share the skills and talents they bring to the table. For instance, someone with an accounting background might be helpful in a finance or budget committee.
Download the Application Example Here
Show appreciation
Reinforce the behaviors you want to be repeated. Show volunteers how grateful the Board is for their commitment, publicly acknowledge their efforts at Board meetings and in community newsletters, or highlight them on the HOA website. This reinforces the volunteers’ loyalty and can attract new volunteers.
Committees provide the perfect environment for members to engage and contribute to the community’s success. If your Board is overwhelmed with projects and tasks, AAM is ready to help with professional management services. We have the experience and processes to help you form the Committees your association needs.