HOA Board of Directors – Who are they, and what do they do? Generally, an HOA Board of Directors is made up of community volunteers elected by fellow residents to serve on the Board to make decisions on the residents’ behalf regarding the HOA.
Below is a brief overview of the HOA leadership roles and duties.
What is the structure of your HOA Board of Directors?
In general, the Board of Directors consists of five (5) officers:
The HOA President role, is preformed by someone who is knowledgeable of the community’s governing documents, oversees the community association’s operations by ensuring orders and resolutions are carried out, as well as signs contracts and co-signs checks. He or she leads all meetings acting as the foreman.
Vice President:
The Vice President performs other duties as required and will take the place of the President when necessary. Equally, the Vice President should have in-depth knowledge of the community bylaws and regulations.
The Secretary keeps meeting minutes, records votes, and maintains compliance with essential association documents.
The Treasurer keeps track of the association’s finances and reports on monthly financials at board meetings.
Member at Large:
The Member at Large acts as the fifth voting member of the Board, as well as conducts other assigned duties.

What are the primary duties of your HOA Board?
The HOA Board members must ensure that the community is maintained by enforcing the community’s CC&Rs and Bylaws. Most importantly, Board members should be fair, honest and keep the homeowner’s and the association’s best interest in mind when making decisions.
What is the relationship between the Board of Directors and your professional community management partner?
As community volunteers, the majority of HOA Board’s elect to hire a professional community management company to leverage their expertise on community governance, ongoing maintenance, and resident communication. In partnership with the Board, the professional community management company helps provide structure to a community, protect property values and ensure positive living environments.
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Have A Question?
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